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TBI One Love Survivor Krystal Tribble

Hello, my name is Nicole McKee and my sisters name is Krystal Tribble.

It was the day before my baby sisters 29th birthday. She had a long history of using meth and a drinking problem since she was a teenager. She was married to an older man 50-year-old. They had a past of domestic violence and at that time she had a court ordered protective order where they weren't supposed to be around each other. But they were.  It was early in the morning on November 5 we live in Alaska where it's very icy and snowy at that time of the year. Krystal was riding with her husband to drop him off at work in North Pole. And used his truck to once again move herself out of their home together because she didn't feel safe. She had gone back when school started for her son to have a stable home and can attend the school where my children go.

She told her husband that morning she would be moving out while he was at work and they started fighting and she was either pushed out of the truck or jump to get away from being beat. We're not sure of the speed or any details for she cannot remember. He called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital they called me and told me to get there not knowing any details I jumped up out of bed and went straight to the hospital my brother and uncle showed up at my brother punched her husband knowing it was his fault and knowing about the restraining order he was arrested

(The husband) and I was medevac with my sister to Anchorage Alaska native medical center. My sister suffered a stroke and a Traumatic brain injury at that time her brain was bleeding and swelling under pressure they were going to put a stent in her brain but I continue to pray more than I ever have in my life and applied essential oils on my mother my aunt and my sister and myself within six hours. The bleeding and swelling stopped.  We were admitted to ICU we sat there for two weeks while my sister was in a coma they did surgery on her broken jaw and many broken bones in her face placed metal plates luckily she did not need brain surgery. I would not leave her side and go home to my family I could not until she woke up.  I did not know she would be a different person. 

 I was contacted by adult protective services we kept her husband away I became her guardian she spends the next 7 1/2 months and four different hospitals and then I brought her home and I am her personal care attendant part time with the help of another it took over two years to get study good help and to get myself paid it is a lot of work but she walks with a cane now. I've taught her to walk twice in life.  I am her rock and some days it's very hard to take care of somebody with a Traumatic brain injury and keep them positive and focused. 

Since my sister was a drug attic before the accident I did not let the hospital give her any pain medicine I told them the truth and she has healed naturally 100% since day one.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our story that has been a long three years and we have a long road ahead of us.


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